The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
Contributes NOTHING To This Society.
15 April 2007
Not that everything on television will be uplifting, informative, or made for the family, but this is not so much a "show" as it is an exhibition of the most base demoralized miscreants in our world.

If that entertains you, then more power to you. To me, it says that we have nothing whatsoever to do with our lives and/or our time, as to witness such a debacle as this. It's a sad statement of affairs that this show is even still on the air! I see no reason for this crap to be broadcast, visited, watched, or admired. With a 3/10 rating at IMDb, apparently many agree with this view, however, the ad dollars must be generating well, or it would have been axed a long time ago.

Honestly though, this doesn't even qualify as a guilty pleasure. If you enjoy watching this stuff, there's something seriously wrong with your life. Get up off the couch, turn off the TV, and go FIND ONE.

It rates a 0.1/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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