Review of Le Bossu

Le Bossu (1959)
Very entertaining version of this great French swashbuckler
15 April 2007
I love this original story and although it's frustrating I can't find a version of the book and the writer's son's sequels in English, I am ploughing through them in French which I expect any purist would tell me is what I should do anyway, and I've become an enthusiast for this engaging hero.

Whilst I greatly enjoyed the delightful movie version with Daniel Auteuil which is how I first discovered Henri de Lagardere, I think this Jean Marais version is really the best - it keeps to the original better re storyline, and the script allows Marais to act Lagardere as he should be - swashbuckling and dynamic and already well known in Paris rather than Auteuil's lower key less sophisticated version. I also enjoyed the recent French TV series.
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