Rob does for the newbies in the kitchen what he's done for the newbies in the industry
15 April 2007
While I haven't, myself, tried this dish(never been much for Mexican food), it certainly sounds rather tasty, and judging from other comments as well as the boards here on the site, it is. Rodriguez, with his usual energy, takes us through a recipe that sounds very interesting and goes into the right amount of detail about each step. In about half the amount of time the title puts the short's running time at, he teaches us how to cook this food, and even takes some time to give a few general tips on cooking. With a mix of hand-held and static camera, this is a little different as far as cinematography goes than the two previous Ten Minute "schools", but Rodriguez, who comes across as someone who was just about *born* with the camera in his hand, pulls it off perfectly, with nary a wrong shot or angle. The editing is crisp and smooth as always when Robert is in charge of it, and there is not a single boring moment found throughout. For anyone not terribly familiar with Rodriguez, know that he does occasionally swear, and does so a little in this, as well. On that same note, if such words offend you, you'd probably prefer not to look at the Memorable Quotes for this short. I recommend this to any fan of Rodriguez, and anyone looking for cooking tips and/or a recipe on the Mexican food that's part of the title of this. 7/10
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