Yay! Derren is back!
14 April 2007
Same knife edge/edge of your seat type stuff that only Derren could do ;)

The chocolate roll thing (NOT saying what it is!) had me open mouthed! And there is always something to look out for behind the scenes, hidden away just out of view. As usual, loved it ;D But knowing Derren's shows you should really watch twice, there's always something that you missed, which I am sure is to his utter pleasure... If anyone has read the papers and seen what is to come, then absolutely everyone will be watching and holding their breath next week for his newest, no doubt controversial, trick.

And that is exactly what this is, controversial. Some people will watch thinking that this is very wrong and shocking and others will sit and see just how far Derren can push boundaries without going too far and supply us with some great, way way way above the average entertainment.

If you didn't see it this week then definitely watch it next, it looks like there are surprises to come... Can't wait.
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