Savage Harvest (1994 Video)
Better than its budget
14 April 2007
While there is nothing new in the concept of teens trapped in a cabin in the woods surrounded by evil and, one by one, becoming possessed, director Eric Stanze manages to breathe some life into the overused plot by inventing realistic and likable characters and showcasing some truly impressive effects and gore. The low (if any) budget film SAVAGE HARVEST is atmospheric, serious in its approach to the genre and the material and a very entertaining movie.

Since the plot is basically irrelevant, I'll get straight to the film's assets. First of all, Stanze knows how to utilize the format and never shoots anything too bright or too dark. His camera angles and framing are on a professional level not usually seen in these SOV films. It's easy to see the guy would be a success if offered a project allowing his work to be exposed to a larger audience.

The acting is believable and the film benefits, as any horror film does, from having a cast of unknowns. The characters seem like real people because they are real people.

The effects and gore in the film are on par with anything you'll see in bigger budgeted movies. The blood looks like blood, the makeup work is fantastic and Stanze knows when to linger and when less is more.

Despite a meandering scene or two of characters providing exposition, the movie is never dull and the death scenes come quick and brutal.

Do yourself a favor and get past the fact this movie was shot on video on a limited budget. A big budget and a cast of familiar celebrities doesn't necessarily make for a great movie and although many of these cheapies are downright torturous to watch, SAVAGE HARVEST is a solid entry into the Demons – Ate – My - Soul subgenre.
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