Review of Pathfinder

Pathfinder (2007)
The Worst Movie I've Ever Been Dumb Enough to Pay to See
14 April 2007
If for any crazy reason you saw a trailer for Pathfinder and thought, "hey, cool, a viking movie!" stop right there. This movie totally blew; it blew long and hard and I got no satisfaction from it at all. I actually found myself thinking, "hmm.... should we just leave?" I've never walked out of a movie theater, I still haven't, but that was the closest I've ever come.

The good parts- There was a scene where a guy got his face slashed and the eyeball fell out onto the ground and stared up at him... that was kinda cool. The viking costumes were kinda cool too. There was some good cinematography though- which leads me to the bad parts.

The bad parts- The editing was absolutely abysmal. My 6 year old niece could've done better with some safety shears and a roll of scotch tape. There were these massive avalanche scenes and some nice panoramic shots that quite obviously did not come from the same stock as the rest of the movie (picture Ed Wood's stampeding buffalo) Most of the fight scenes were so badly edited you weren't sure who was slashing whom and if a hit was palpable or not. In one Ramboesque sequence I wasn't sure if there were 3 guys or 21 guys that all looked like the same three guys. The score, while not technically horrible in its own rite, did absolutely nothing to convey the story. Character development was mediocre when it wasn't null. Acting- bad to horrible- though in some cases I wasn't sure if it was the fault of the actors so much as the Lucas quality script. Did I mention the horrible washed out filters they used? For a while I thought maybe I was watching a cam of the movie. I can see why they used the filters they used, to a point, all the snow scenes could have gotten overwhelmingly bright; that's why you add some color though- or at least you should. Even some face paint or blood or something.

Anyway, that's my rant.
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