Far from Home (1989)
Horribly bad movie
14 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's too bad they couldn't get this one on Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Wow is this movie awful! The cast is perfect for a stinker like this. Max Headroom as the dad (remember he and Jennifer are the same age so he would have been 17 when Drew was born) and Susan Tyrell a queen of rotten movies. The mega-hot Jennifer Tilly looking great here. Richard Masur another bad movie staple (Anyone have his classic Fallen Angel? I do.). There are so many bad lines it's a must see even if just for the narration (another bad movie must). I felt bad for Jennifer getting stuck in a tiny car that couldn't have more than a couple gallons of gas in it when it explodes like a 3 megaton bomb hit it. Drew does look great at 14 and could really fill out a swimsuit top (That lucky Letterman!). I could just imagine Mike and the bots doing commentary for this one!
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