Review of Sunshine

Sunshine (2007)
Truly a Mixed bag
14 April 2007
Sunshine by Danny Boyle is a film that starts out strong but ultimately falls apart.

The film's cast are consistently solid and even Chris Evans gives a good performance. Cillian Murphy was, surprisingly, the weak performance of the film and even if he is playing a physician, it seemed like a padded character who gave exposition and when tried to give some depth, ended up making it just a tiny bit more dimensional.

The visuals are remarkably impressive and the FX themselves do give a run to some of Hollywood's finest FX films. The use of golden glows and warm oranges effectively evoke a sense of peace and hope as the film aspires.

Now, the film's true problem is the third act. First and second act are solid all the way, raising questions and doubts as well as tension. We get a sense that the film is building on its characters and that the theme itself is represented by them, but then an unprecedented turning point pulls the strings and makes this film go spiraling out of control.

Disappointing, especially considering that it came from Danny Boyle. He could've used more time and considerably so since, for a sci-fi film, it runs short with just an hour and 40 minutes. It also renders a lot of scenes without complete resolution and raising far too many questions.

The third act pretty much loses point on any kind of theme or other secondary plots and seems to just want to rush towards the ending and get it all over with and in the end, we're left with a film that leaves itself to float in space.

In the end, we're left with unfinished themes and a finale that strives for a triumphant uplifting while we simply roll our eyes at the screen.
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