Coming Out Party (2003 Video)
imitates life....not all happy and "GAY"
14 April 2007
I recently sat down and watched this movie on DVD, after having seen a very funny trailer for it. I knew nothing about the comics who were telling their "coming out" stories in front of a live audience in a Santa Monica nightclub. The comics were represented by two lesbians, and the remainder were gay guys, all with humorous anecdotes about what "coming out" meant to them. Some had heartfelt comments, others had racial comments, some had comments directed towards religion. This was not, as funny as the trailer made it out to be, but is life as funny as we make it out to be? Some of us use humour as an excuse to shield ourselves from the pain we go through on a daily basis. Not all "coming out" stories are funny, as all these comics pointed out, and all agreed that its not an easy resolution to come too, but if you are a gay person, then it is an obligation to oneself, to come out and proudly acknowledge your existence to the world.
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