Review of CardCaptors

CardCaptors (I) (2000–2003)
Why do they cut out and change episodes!!! UGH!
13 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Who wishes that Cardcaptors came in English (whatever language you speak in)? I sure know I do. Take one episode that I saw on YouTube. The episode was when Sakura had to capture the firey card. It was terrible! No offense to the person who uploaded that video. During that episode, the original Japanese version said that it was Christmas time. In the English dub, Christmas isn't even mentioned once. The only time the hint of Christmas is in the air is when Sakura looks at a house with a Christmas wreath on it. The next hint that the episode was stupid was when Sakura called Yuki on the phone. Japanese-Kero presses the button for speed dial on Yuki. Sakura nervously answers the phone. English dub :P-Sakura wants to ask ->Li<- to the festival for tips on the Clow Cards. When Cero pushes a button on the phone, Sakura blushes when she answers the phone. Suddenly she says, "Cero, you accidentally called Julian." Big mistake there.

Also, does anybody know how the English names came to be? How in the world does Madison relate to Tomoyo? Who came up with the name of Julian Star? Oh yeah! Tori is a great name for Toya. Sarcastic, duh! I wish that the makers of Cardcaptors would keep everything the same. I would allow English versions of Tomoyo. Just make sure it starts with a T and makes sense. Who agrees?
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