The Count of Monte-Cristo (1975 TV Movie)
An excellent version but not the novel. (See also my comments for 2002 version)
11 April 2007
As I have stated elsewhere this was a well made adaptation of the Dumas work, but it is not the novel, which is not this feature's fault. Neither have any of the other American versions that I have seen. With the novel the are so many layers of subtlety and subtext in Edmond Dante's search for revenge, and they are not present here.

That having been said Richard Chamberlain obviously attacks this role with his usual relish and reveals why he has become one of the top picks for many TV mini-series) Trevor Howard gives a reverent and subtle performance as the Abbe Faria. Donald Pleasance and Louis Jordan are both excellent in their roles as well. Tony Curtis is the souring of the milk as it were. His Count Mondego is just not that believable. While I esteem him in many of his roles over the years he was horribly miscast here. The rest of this cast were well picked and the adventure is there. Actually it is a well done feature considering it had to be made on a television program budget. A better script and big screen budget might have taken this film much further. Still, it is worth a watch. I give it nine thumbs up.
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