Original Black Comedy probably destined for French Market
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film was hugely successful in France when it came out. It is an adaptation of a play and deals with the trials and tribulations of the French equivalent of the "Samaritans" one Christmas evening in Paris. The actors are all well known and the plot, although inexistent, is rendered unnecessary by the magnificent performances of the actors. However it should be stated that the humor in the film is specifically destined to the French market. It is not universal humor, like for example, Mr Bean, Charlie Chaplin or Louis de Funès. The humor is often black and crude, there are some lighter moments but I honestly cannot see this appealing to many people living outside France. Knowledge of the French language, culture, and some understanding of what makes people laugh here, is necessary. There obviously will be exceptions to this statement, but of course I am talking in general terms. The film contains many famous lines and statements - notably Thierry L'hermit's famous "C'est cela !!) used every time has to listen to someone complaining and where he couldn't care a toss about the object of the complaint. There is also a neighbour in the building who brings along to the Samaritans one of his culinary specialities from an Eastern European country. These are called "Dou-bit-choux" and are apparently prepared by rolling them under one's armpits !!! In one instance a sex maniac calls the switchboard and vents all his desires on the lady (Anémone) who is unlucky enough to take the call. The film ends with one person who has died being cut up into pieces, parceled up and taken to the Zoo de Vincennes to be disposed of as food for the animals. All this is, objectively, quite sick, humor-wise but it is easy to become inveigled into it while watching it. I think that non French speakers may have some difficulty as the tone of the film is rather particular.
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