Review of Keeping Mum

Keeping Mum (2005)
Keeping Mum: A Keeper
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised when I stumbled over this at the rental store. Seeing Rowan Atkinson on the cover made me take a second look and I'm glad I did.

Atkinson plays a quirky Vicar whose family needs a bit of unorthodox fixing. Maggie Smith, the new nanny, is just the thing the family needs, but her methods are far from ordinary. The twisted bit of humor is accented by Atkinson's mostly straight-man like role that is reminiscent of his stand-up and some of his sketches with Monty Python.

The plot, though predictable, is entertaining and moves at a comfortable pace. The supporting cast does a great job of filling the multiple scenes that do not include Atkinson or Smith. Swayze is particularly good at being a dislikable American stereotypical sleaze bag.

Be sure to watch the special features to catch an extended scene of Atkinson tending, or as I should say "Keeping" goal, as best he can. It's a great bit of icing for this quirky picture.

This is definitely a film worth seeing if you're interested in a bit of dry and dark comedy.
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