Constructed realism; the art of faking documentary objectivity
9 April 2007
Through highly composed scenes of everyday objects, selected, arranged and lighted to express something beyond their mundane physical reality, photographer Perry Ogden pursuit his desire to raise awareness in an objective way. But what happens when a messy room is rearranged through strict scenography to look even messier? What happens to reality when it is enforced through manipulation? Is it beyond realism or just fictional realism? And does this really lead to an objective presentation of a photographers subject rather than just the photographer's subjective composition on objects? Like in a Jeff Wall image, the perfect detailing and significance of everything leaves the observer skeptic of the authenticity of the portrayed reality. Whit an intention to create such suspension, playing on the observer's expectations and presuppositions, this simulated realism can be a powerful tool. As for Pavee Lackeen, I personally feel it lacks a proper stand to have an appeal within the genre of Cinéma vérité while to much control lies within the reach of the director to attain any atmosphere of documentary realism. To turn an old phrase, maybe a thousand words are worth less than an image?
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