putting the mental in fundamentalist
8 April 2007
One thing I got out of this documentary about the small group of wrong-minded hateful cultish people of the Westboro Baptist Church. A group that constantly rails against Homosexuals, the military, and America in general, was not hatred of them, but a feeling of great sadness especially for the little children of the flock, who have absolutely no clue what it's all about yet, but are still indoctrinated enough that one can feel that none of them have a chance in life anymore. Documentarian Louis Theroux does a remarkable job staying semi-objective while still trying to open some of the groups eyes a little. Not seen in the film proper, but as an appendum on the BBC site, Theroux shares a story of how during a picketing of a milittary man's funeral, the members of this group, told the daughter of the man that just had died, that her father is now in hell. That is a very good barometer of how evil these people truly are.
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