Carnival in Rio (1983 TV Movie)
The Austrian stable boy at his best!
5 April 2007
This is to funny to be true. I almost died laughing when I saw this a few weeks ago. I think this was made as a promotion stunt for the coming carnival in Rio but the only thing I learned is that Arnie's libido is bigger than his chest. He constantly makes sexual remarks and talks about " my favorite body part : the ass!". If you thought his English was bad, listen to his Portuguese. He can't even pronounce "amor" without me thinking about an Austrian Shepperd. He also tries to dance the samba with some locals and guess who was the odd one out! Anywayz, if you want to watch the 5 minutes and 15 seconds of shame, google it or wait till the next election for governor in California! "Now let me teach you an English word: Bite! Like this.... yeesssssss!
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