Review of Outland

Outland (1981)
I misjudged you, your not stupid your crazy!
5 April 2007
***SPOILERS*** Some 365 million miles from earth on the Jupiter moon of Io a corporate mining company is hard at work drilling for titanium and is breaking all records in digging up the precious medal but at the cost of the lives of many of it's employees. When William O'Neil, Sean Connery, is given the job of security on Io he begins to notice a number of miners have gone off the deep end and ended up doing themselves in.

The movie is more about everyday crime back her on earth then a futuristic look at space travel and colonization of the outer planets and their satellites, moons, in that it has to do with illegal drugs thats being given to the workers at Io to increase their endurance. This is done in order to drive the workers beyond their capabilities to the point where they end up with their brains being fried that leads to them going insane and killing themselves.

O'Neil having the bodies of a number of dead miners checked out, by having their blood tested, and to the company doctor Lazarus, Frances Sternhag,shock and surprise it's found out that they've been injected with the synthetic and very deadly amphetamine PDE. Even worse the drug is being shipped into Io hidden in it's food supply with the full knowledge and approval of the satellites general manager Sheppard,Peter Boyle, whom O'Neil as Io security chief is working for!

The movie has O'Neil realizing that the deadly drug PDE is being used to get the miners to work twice as hard, and long, as normal in order to get lagging production up is in effect driving the overworked and sleep deprived men to go insane and leading them to take their own lives or killing, in a drug induced frenzy, other workers.

Sheppard in an effort to stop O'Neil from preventing the drugs from getting to Io has a number of corporate hit-men sent to the Jupiter moon to put an end to O'Neil's attempt and have him and his honchos arrested and put on trial for drug trafficking.

A "High Noon" like final with O'Neil on his own with none of his deputies willing to help him in combating the disembarking hit-men. O'Neil has it out with the corporate killer not inside the sealed and safe working and living quarters of Io but outside in the deadly zero atmosphere conditions where nature, more then anything else, is far more deadly then any of the weaponry that both the hit-men or O'Neil can muster.

With all the fighting going on outside inside everyone is too busy getting drunk to even notice whats happening until O'Neil, who with the help of Dr. Lazarus, after dispatching the hit-men confronts Sheppard, who seems to be completely out of it, and puts him to sleep and out cold with a straight right to the kisser.
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