Notti porno nel mondo (1977)
29 March 2007
The undisputed king of trash, Bruno Mattei depicts various sexual perversions that take place around the world! Features a woman making love to a gorilla, strip shows, lesbo clubs, bestiality, sex through a glass, nude roller-skating, she-males, nude wrestling, sex schools, virgin sacrifices, decapitations, castrations... you get the picture! Laura Gemser narrates and gets nude of course. Shocking, outrageous, hyper-sleazy mondo in it's UNCUT Italian print! Do not worry about the lack of English options- this one is actually a montage of sleazy images without even slight storyline or plot! Not to be confused with EMANUELLE AND THE PORNO NIGHTS- the other Mattei mondo-mess starring (actually hosted by) Laura Gemser.
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