Great flick for kids and adults alike!
1 April 2007
When you see "Meet the Robinsons" you'll have a choice of seeing it in 3-D or regular. Do the 3-D; it's worth the extra two bucks you have to pay. The 3-D enhances an already enjoyable, fun family flick, and makes everything more vibrant and sharp. Plus, while most 3-D glasses end up giving you a splitting headache, these do not. And it isn't the normal 3-D where things randomly pop out at you just for the sake of looking cool, no; this kind makes you feel as if you are right there with the characters. The 3-D version is a must, as is the movie itself.

"Meet the Robinsons" is the story of a genius young orphan desperate to meet his mother. He is also an inventor, but when one of his inventions gets destroyed by the evil, but stupid, Bowler Hat Guy, young Wilbur must go to the future to fix the past. If he doesn't, his entire life will be changed all because of his destroyed invention. While in the future he stays with the kooky, slightly crazy Robinson family, and by the end of the film, finds out something remarkable about that family.

It is a very well done movie, and actually quite funny. The trailer made it look loud, annoying and not the least bit funny. It does the movie no justice at all. The funniest scenes in the film are with the Robinson family, who'll make even your weirdest relatives appear completely normal. There are some parts that drag a little or other scenes that border on tipping the corny scale. Nonetheless, minor complaints for an otherwise great 90 minutes of cartoon heaven. It finally looks like Disney has done something right. Lately all they've been dishing out are inane sequels (Cinderella 3?! Come on Disney, you're better than that). I'm glad they've finally returned to form and made a film that I'm sure Walt Disney would be proud of. The movie even ends with a great quote by Uncle Walt. So don't skip this cartoon, it is a excellent film for kids and adults, and I promise you'll be entertained.

Rated G.
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