If you like jokes that fall flat on their face, you'll love this film
28 March 2007
I gave this film a two because the plot made perfect sense and arrived with the proper pace. I docked it eight stars for being one of the most agonizing films I've ever sat through in a theater. That's right, I saw this more than ten years ago when it came out, and remember it to this day because it was so bad.

Close to none of the jokes caused a change in the silence of the audience. At one point somebody even booed a joke it was so crappy. I remember actually counting the seconds of awkwardness after some jokes where the movie almost seemed to pause, hoping for the laughter that would never come.

This movie would have done much better as a drama that had extremely mild comic relief, if only the premise weren't corny already. I'm surprised Kelsey Grammar got any work after this, because absent his deep baritone he obviously can't carry a movie on his own.
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