Review of Halfway Home

Halfway Home (2007)
Downright Offensive
25 March 2007
This show represents exactly what's wrong with American television. TV shows are getting dumber by the minute, and people are excusing poorly written scripts and bad picture quality and camera work by calling it "a reality show". This show is garbage, it does nothing than promote racial stereotypes. It's not a comedy, because it simply isn't funny, at least not for those that understand and respect other cultures. There's a thin line between a sharp comedian like Dave Chapelle and the writers of Halfway Home. Dave Chappelle can tiptoe the racial overtone jokes and still get a hearty laughter out of people while tastefully exposing a stereotype. Whoever writes this show does not have that elusive skill; they try to play the racial card and fall flat on their face. They are simply trying to ride the existing reality popularity wave while adding nothing to the mix. Maybe I'm biased against unintellectual TV shows like "reality shows", but I can strongly state that the Halfway Home writers probably should stick to slapstick comedy, and steer away from any racial jokes because they are only doing the public a disservice by putting this on the air. I watched the free episode offered over Xbox live, and I was disgusted to see this modern day minstrel show.
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