Reign of the Gargoyles (2007 TV Movie)
Wes Ramsey
24 March 2007
Wow, can this dude be any cuter???? Upon viewing, it is obvious that he is quite talented; however, blessedly, he is also "gifted." There are a lot of actors out there--a LOT--and to rise above the rest enough to be noticed at all is quite an accomplishment. H has worked in television, theatre, and film, and is destined (I believe) for an admirable career. He started with "Charmed" (in my book, anyway, because I had not seen his previous work), and was impressive even before that in "Latter Days".... my gosh, the guy is so OUT THERE! However, despite (or, in addition to) his obvious talents (which, admittedly, many actors possess), THIS ACTOR is quite diversified. If you watch his acting, you will see how "into-it" he gets... he is exceedingly believable. From "The Guiding Light" to "Dark Honeymoon," not even taking into account this performance in "Reign of the Gargoyles," this guy has shown his acting prowess. Fellows like him have to fight against their looks, and I think he still has to do that, but he is definitely on his way.

My husband, a military man, was understandably hesitant to give "Gargoyles" a shot, but was pretty impressed with the final result and admittedly humbled by the experience. Give this movie a shot if you are a WW2 fan, a Wes fan, or even a symbiotic-drive dramatist. He delivers.

I wish him luck and good fortune.
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