Lucky Numbers (2000)
Funny Numbers!
20 March 2007
This funny and entertaining film kept me waiting every moment what was going to happen next!. Is like a thriller but well mixed with funny events. This movie also have a good lesson for life, and for all the good people, that desperate have made some bad decisions (i think that's a lot of us), or for those that haven't made them, and it is to see the consequences of some dumb acts. With a great casting (John Travolta, Bill Pullman, Lisa Kudrow, Tim Roth, Ed O'Neill, Michael Rapaport, and also Michael Moore!, the director and producer of Farenheit 9/11, playing a funny role in it) that makes the movie even better than just an original script!. Simply watch it and make your own conclusion; for me it's a really good movie, not a piece of art, but a well obtained entertaining movie!

About the Movie: This funny and entertaining movie is about Russ Richards (John Travolta), a famous and charismatic television weatherman, that is broke because he lives a life that he cant't afford; he starts a snowmobile business, but he can't sell anything because of the warm weather, desperate, he run an insurance scam and decides with her friend and lover Crystal (Lisa Kudrow), and some additional help (Gig (Tim Roth) and Crystal cousin Walter (Michael Moore)), to manipulate fraudulently the state lottery; they then start a quest around all these decisions and evolve in a entertaining, funny and tense story.

7/10! Good work of Nora Ephron!
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