Review of Trianon

Trianon (2005)
One of the best movies I've ever seen
18 March 2007
Whoever wrote the previous comment, have no idea what he/she is talking about. This movie shows the true side how and what have happened back than. There are quite a few really good books about the subject, probably the best I've read is the "Black Hand Over Europe" (The War is Coming Back Again) by Henry Pozzi. When you get to section "Pan-Slavism-I. The Vultures", you'll know what I meant. There is also " The Balkan Reader" and so on. The two superpowers, United States and Russia did not signed the Peace Treaty, Why? Hmmmm...also quite a few diplomats who were present at the peace treaty opposed to the decisions made (Secret Diplomacy) way before June 4th.1920 behind close doors. Just to quote some:

The Treaty of Trianon and the heartless mutilations of Hungary have been condemned by leading economists, statesmen and even newspapers throughout the world. The "New York Tribune," on May 8, 1919, speaking of all the treaties of Versailles, including the Treaty of Trianon, said:

"Not since Rome punished Carthage of Punic faith, has such a treaty been written."

The English Presbyterian Alliance characterized the Treaty of Trianon in the following words:{4}

"It is dishonorable to the Allies in the light of their professions."

After a French committee of investigation had returned to Paris from Hungary, the French newspaper, the "Matin," in 1922, exclaimed:{5}

"In the name of decency and in the name of true humanity, Hungary must not perish! The Hungarians must be saved! Those people are not responsible for the provocation of the world's catastrophe!"

Lord Newton, an English statesman, described the Treaty of Trianon in these words:{6}

"It is the most disastrous and senseless action for which international statesmen have been responsible."

And nineteen years after the diabolical conception of the Treaty of Trianon, the English editor, J. L. Garvin, said in "The Observer" (England):

"The merciless mutilation of Hungary proper by the Versailles system was and is the most cruel case of all."{7}

United States Senator William E. Borah, in a telegram to this writer, tersely and descriptively pronounced the Treaty of Trianon in these words:

"The cursed Treaty of Trianon!"

Francesco Nitti, ex-Prime Minister of Italy, was so deeply moved by the unprecedented injustice done to Hungary in the Treaty of Trianon that he exclaimed:{8}

"This poor country, Hungary, which saved both civilization and Christianity, has been treated with a bitterness that nothing can explain. After the war everyone wanted some sacrifice from Hungary, and no one dared to say a word of peace or good will for her."

And United States Representative Raymond J. Cannon has exclaimed on the floor of the U. S. House of Representatives:{9}

"The Treaty of Versailles (the Treaty of Trianon included) has many crimes and bloodshed to account for."

When told that the Paris Peace Conference had assassinated democracy and that the outrage committed against Hungary was a disgrace to Christian civilization, Lloyd George, Prime Minister of England, bowed his head in shame and regret and said:{10}

"The religion of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can save this world from another catastrophe."
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