Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (1975 TV Short)
Great Tale (SPOILERS)
18 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers

To be honest, actually, I am kind of nervous commenting on Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Maybe it is because I have not seen this television movie in a long time, two years to be exact. Luckily this tale is memorable. You will not forget a film like this for the rest of your life when you see this. The plot is also pretty simplistic. This is also quite close to the facts. I mean, despite the fact that mongooses and cobras do not talk, mongooses do have some sort of grudge against cobras, and they do indeed kill them. I also can not believe that Orson Welles narrated this. First War of the Worlds, now this.

Here is the plot of this "tale." When a family moves to India they find a mongoose that has almost drowned. They nurse it back to health. They then keep it as a pet. They name it Rikki. After a battle with a snake the family discovers that Rikki can protect them against snakes, which is a good thing since two dangerous cobras named Nag and Nagaina want to kill the family. In the family's bathroom one night Rikki catches Nag and the father of the family kills him. Nagaina is not too happy with that. She threatens the family. Rikki finds out a way to kill Nagaina. He does kill her, but they do not show it. He and the family live happily ever after.

Overall, this is a fantastic tale of a mongoose and a family and a cobra. This is also quite dark in some sort of way. I mean, two cobras want to kill a little mongoose and a little boy and a family. I also like the climax with Rikki and Nagaina. They have a fight in a hole. You do not see the fight, and it is very suspenseful. You are worrying if Rikki will come out of the hole alive. You also have to wait for about ten seconds. Anyway, this is a great television show that you must watch. It is a great film for the whole family.


Recommended Films: The Jungle Book.
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