Dead Men Walk (1943)
Rightfully forgotten but has its moments
16 March 2007
The print I saw of this was in terrible shape with sometimes inaudible sound so my synopsis may be a little off.

The evil Dr. Elwyn Clayton (George Zucco) is being laid to rest. His twin brother Dr. Lloyd Clayton (Zucco again) is a kind man. He oversees his brother's funeral and begins to burn papers of the work he was doing. Elwyn's assistant Zolarr (Dwight Frye playing a hunchback--again) tries to stop him to no avail. Then Elwyn (somehow) rises from the dead as a vampire. He goes after his niece Gayle (Mary Caslisle) who begins to slowly die of blood loss and the townspeople think Lloyd is responsible...

OK--the acting is pretty bad (except for Zucco and Frye) with a truly terrible performance by Fern Emmett (playing Kate); the dialogue is terrible; the direction is pedestrian and the sets show the VERY low budget this picture was made on. Still this isn't a total disaster.

The plot is (to say the least) pretty interesting and Zucco has a field day playing two brothers. As Elwyn he really chews the scenery in an enjoyable way. Also it's impossible to dismiss any movie that has Frye as a humpbacked assistant. There are also some eerie scenes involving Frye moving Clayton's coffin around in a graveyard. So this is pretty badly done (and the only prints available seem to be in terrible shape) but it has it's moments. Horror fans might want to take a look.
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