Review of Art House

Art House (1998)
indie parody of "the industry"
14 March 2007
"Art House" was part of a series Hollywood Video did a few years ago where they gave releases to first-time filmmakers. This one is a send-up of film-making and the auteur condition (think "8 1/2" with a modern patois) with Chris Hardwick as this type of person. His performance reminded me of Richard E. Grant in "The Player" as he is very hilariously unable to compromise on anything. It also shows a lot of young guys trying to navigate their social lives (think a bit of "Swingers" and their foibles around town.) I wanted more; it seems to pick all-too obvious targets and the low production value shows. It also seems to be self-consciously hip at times. Still, there are a few belly laughs here. 6/10
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