Review of Kitchen

Kitchen (2007 TV Movie)
I wouldn't advise it.
7 March 2007
I really wanted to like this show, I really did.

I did at first. It started out interesting enough. The main kid, Danny, was likable, if a bit of a rogue, and I liked the behind-the-scenes aspect of the restaurant world. But about an hour into part 1, everything took a turn for the unbelievable.

I could swallow a few of the plot twists, but after a while it all became too much. The probation officer and the sous chief were beyond ridiculous two-dimensional characters.

It's very pretty looking and rather well-acted, and maybe if you're in the mood for a melodramatic, crime drama centered on a kitchen staff with far too many issues, this would be right up your alley. But honestly, only sheer love of Eddie Izzard kept me watching part 2.

"Kitchen" was good when it stayed in the kitchen; once it wandered out, it was all downhill.
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