Dreamland (2007)
If You Are A David Lynch Fan You'll Like This Film! If you're not...Well Go See Wild Hogs
12 March 2007
Much can be said about Dreamland but I think the mistake most people make is to think that the director is trying to create a coherent and straight forward narrative structure. He is working on a subconscious level in his mind. The idea comes before the reason behind the idea. In many ways this is how art should be created because any other way it will feel forced and pretentious.

The film indulges a great risk by sticking its foot into the deep blue unknown pool of time travel and Quantum Pyshics. I my opinion the film is a big film in the subject matter it explores but the very conscious director seems to be acutely aware that mystery, suspense and tension is what will keep the audience emotionally drawn in. In other post it seem that it is clear that this is a lower budget film that was shot in seven days, that alone I find truly a tremendous accomplishment. What is even more impressive is to take on such a omnipotent subject that can either enchant the lucid artist types who understand that it is about letting go of the control they never really had or highly agitate the ones who "must know" there is only one answer to the ending of every film, a "Happy Ending", so that they can trudge on through their miserable lives.
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