Rooting For Sharks!
27 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Plot- White people jump off a yacht and forget to put the ladder down. They are stuck in the ocean, treading water, and complaining for the next 90 minutes.

Open Water 2 was so annoying that I found myself rooting for gigantic man-eating sharks to devour this pack of treading water whiners. And guess what? No sharks!!! Why bother doing a sequel to Open Water if your going to forget the most terrifying aspect, the eaten alive by sharks in the ocean part. That's like Snakes On A Plane Part 2 forgetting the snakes.

This straight to video movie was so inept that at one point the swimmers take off all their clothes to make a rope and try to climb aboard. I'm all for gratuitous nudity but we NEVER see any boobs. An occasional male butt is as good as it gets and that ain't too good...

Just when you thought this flick couldn't get any worse, throw in a crying baby or good measure. Yup, one of the mommies left her baby on board so on top of everything, we get to hear a baby crying and crying and crying and crying.

No sharks, no boobs, and a crying baby. What more could you ask for?
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