Hilarious Program Destined To Be A Classic
26 February 2007
The 1/2 Hour News Hour is a refreshing change from the politically correct bash-the-right dreck that passes for political satire these days. Sure the other shows "make fun of both sides". Like, "isn't it funny that some Democrats are moderately oversexed while all Republicans are pure evil hate-mongers who want to destroy all life in the universe?" Sure, the other shows poke fun at the media. Like "can you believe that 100% of news stories failed to mention today that George W. Bush is a dangerous religious zealot who wants to enslave your family for the benefit of Halliburton?" In contrast, the takes on The 1/2 Hour News Hour are fresh. They are funny. And they skewer the notion that those other shows have all the bases covered. If Stewart and Colbert already have this political satire thing all sewn up, why are the jokes on THHNH completely different than anything else that has ever appeared in the history of television? Oh, and please keep referring to The Right Wing News as your definitive, authoritative, one-stop source for Entertainment critiques. It certainly deflates the notion that people who dislike THHNH are prone to selectively pick and choose information which conforms to their preconceived, close-minded, conformist viewpoints about the world, from which no person dare deviate.
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