Call of Duty 2 (2005 Video Game)
first great game for the 360 (deffinately not the last)
26 February 2007
This was one of the first xbox 360 games that I bought, and along with Project Gotham Racing 3 and the recently released DOA 4 are proof that the 360 is indeed a next-generation system. The game look pretty good on a regular TV set, but on a HD capable TV with surround sound the superb game truly comes to life with amazing graphics and intense sounds. The bullets whizzing by your head, the fights your fellow soldiers are engaging in, and all the other sounds truly immerse you deeply in the game. Of course any true hardcore game wouldn't try the game in anything less than the Veteran setting, which is particularly unforgiving (especially the later American levels) All in all this is a simply great game and is one of the few MUST OWN ones if you managed to get your hands on a 360. It rivals any but the most maxed out computers currently out.

My Grade: A

(note: this review was written at the time of the game's release, but since the page on it didn't exist on IMDb then, I'm posting it now)
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