The Greatest Evil Often Masquerades as the Greatest Good
26 February 2007
This is an excellent historical drama about abuses in an Irish Catholic Convent of the Magdalene order. Whistleblowers have been coming out with tales of abuse in Catholic facilities, for well over a century! While largely ignored, such tales have unfortunately been confirmed, in the massive scandals of recent years. This film essentially chronicles the incredible abuse, and sadism, which took place, behind the pious facade of one such Catholic institution. The screenplay here is noteworthy, in how it masterfully brings this true-life historical drama to the screen, building the drama to an unforgettable climax! The film also forcefully illustrates some key truths:

1. Power corrupts, absolute power, corrupts absolutely!

2. The horrendous evil of blind faith, especially when exploited by powerful organizations.

3. How many of those who consider themselves "good" are willing, or unwilling, accomplices of this evil.

4. How easy it is, for the greatest evil, to masquerade as the greatest good.

At the end of the day however, the film reaffirms one of the most important eternal truths of all:

Blind faith enslaves, while critical thinking, sets us free!
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