The in Crowd (2000)
A fairly good suspense movie
21 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When watching this movie i wanted more Suspense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ending was the only time when there was suspense. There was nothing in the movie to actually caught my eyes. There was unneeded nudity in it and it was pretty violent! I think the people who rated it rated bad, IT should be rated R not PG-13. It was also stupid towards the end when the Adrien was getting Britney mad, when Britney had a SHOVEL!!!!!!!! Great way to die, get a lady mad with a Shovel! Also when Adrien was escaping from jail Jeese that was pretty bad the security guard didn't Catch her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The movie Isn't that bad......... but it could of been better.
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