An attempt to be arty which falls flat on it's face.
16 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I hated this film, it was one of the cheesiest things I have ever seen. I rented it because it looked different from the usual teenage thriller types. Boy, was I wrong. I don't know what I hated more; the obvious trying to be emotionally intense or the obvious attempts to be cinematic. In both cases, they fail horrifically. I can honestly say that this is one of the worst films I have ever seen. From the poor acting to the cheese-fest killing scenes to annoying, hate-able protagonist I don't know which bit made me laugh most. This is one of those teenage films that tries to be American Beauty when really it's Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen. I enjoyed The Covenant more, at least The Covenant KNEW it was dumb, whereas this film is just in denial. I know a lot of teenagers my age think this is "arty" and "shocking!" but most teenagers are dumb as hell anyway. If you appreciate good cinema don't rent it, it sucks. If you have no idea what the words "good cinema" and "Gus Van Sant" mean, watch Donnie Darko, a film that is effortlessly cool and moving, unlike this lumbering piece of trash. "Best soundtrack of the year"? What movie were THEY watching?
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