The Zodiac (2005)
Captures the story of the Zodiac as well as essence of the Sixties
16 February 2007
The only reason I didn't give this a "10" is because there are a couple of slow spots - but those do not detract from the very faithful telling of the story of Zodiac.

If you're a Zodiac scholar, as I am, you will not be disappointed. Even more than that, though, is the way the film captures the very essence of what it was like to grow up in the Sixties, and not in the 'in your face' way that most films ('Forrest Gump' comes to mind) do these days.

We did not live our lives to a soundtrack done by Buffalo Springfield and Creedence Clearwater - though those bands were there, there was a lot more music around that's not as overused as in today's films, and 'The Zodiac' filmmakers get it.

Not everyone wore tie-dye & flashed peace signs all the time, some of us owned a plaid Thermos, people wore Capri pants.

I was unable to catch an anachronism, which is my favorite thing to pick on.

The horror of the Zodiac crimes taking place against this very accurate background is compelling.

Solid 9 for getting it exactly right.
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