An Unique Silent Masterpiece.
11 February 2007
Even for a German aristocrat there are some bizarre films that just can't be understood. This happens each time in the Schloss is shown "The Mystery Of The Leaping Fish", a film directed by Herr John Emerson and produced by D. W. Griffith's "Triangle" society.

Probably the habits of its principal male character, a bizarre detective who's name is Coke Ennyday ( played by a young and funny Herr Douglas Fairbanks ) are not very common among the aristocratic class ( or at least in such huge proportions… ) and the costumes that he wears are too eccentric for the Teutonic bourgeoisie more accustomed to elegant dress and discreet cocktail suits. Not to mention that the gadgets that Herr Ennyday uses are too modern for the 10's… Anyway, whatever it is, each time this German count watches this bizarre, inventive, bold, amazing film full of puns written by Dame Anita Loos and assisted by Herr Tod Browning, the miracle happens and this German count… laughs in a stentorian voice!.

"The Mystery Of The Leaping Fish" is rarity, a film that even today astonishes the audience with its superb political incorrectness, a surreal, indescribable and unclassifiable film; that is to say, an unique silent masterpiece.

And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must sniff snuff.

Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien http://ferdinandvongalitzien.blogspot.com/
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