Review of Parzania

Parzania (2005)
Watch it, maybe it will make you want to make a difference!
30 January 2007
There were just 20 odd people in a huge cinema hall in Bombay when I watched this film!! More people in India need to watch films like these. And sadly it will probably never be released in the state of Gujrat, where all this took place. This is a heart rending look at the riots in Gujrat that took place in 2002 in "response" to a "terrorist" act in Godhra, Gujrat where a train was burned and supposedly hindus were victimised. This film is based on a true story. Not as graphic as you would imagine, the film portrays the life of a Parsi family whose son was lost in the riots, or may I say organised genocide. The main focus is the family and the loss they suffer as also the apathy or rather the role of the police and the incumbent government in the massacre of thousands of Muslims/non hindus. The sub plot deals with an American PHD student doing a thesis on Gandhi, and his own journey of self realisation, dealing with his alcoholism and his painful past. All actors have done a wonderful job. The director, himself a Hindu (Gujrati) has done a wonderful job, and kudos to him for fighting all the opposition he probably did face while making this film.
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