Happy Endings (2005)
A Very Interesting Film
31 January 2007
Being a great fan of Lisa Kudrow,(Miriam Mamie Toll) I greatly enjoyed her outstanding performance when she was getting a physical rub down in the most unconventional positions. Steve Coogan,(Charley Peppitone) gave plenty of sparks to his performance in a film that dealt with straight and gay guys and gals. This film starts off with a teenage girl and boy who are brother and sister-in-law having hot sex and starting a reaction that continues all the way into adulthood and more. There are many sub-plots that can confuse a person at times, however, the film is worth watching and it was nice to see Sarah Clarke, (Diane) "24" TV series who played a gay gal in this picture and is a very sexy gal and I hope to see her in more future films. There is comedy, but I really did not find myself breaking down with laughter, all the actors did an outstanding job. Enjoy
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