Playbus (1988–1997)
30 January 2007
This became staple viewing for me. I'm of the age when I grew out of it while it was still on, having been watching since it was called play-school. It finished and it left a gaping hole in children's TV. This was to children what Match Of the Day is to sports fans. I hardly ever missed an episode and became such a fanatic that I could practically remember every stop for example Monday - The Why Stop Tuesday - The Patch stop (formerly the playground stop) Wednesday - The Roundabout stop Thursday - I forget what this one was Friday - The Poppy Stop (formerly the tent stop) This is as of when it finished. There were several other stops, some enjoyable, some not. Whether I've grown-up or not, this programme has taught me more than any other educational programme (e.g. Seaseme Street) and it will be sadly missed
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