The Dresden Files (2007–2008)
Don't judge a book by its cover...WAIT >_<
26 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the deal: As you probably know, by now, "The Dresden Files" series is based on the Jim Butcher book series. More accurately, the characters are, where as the series exists within its own continuity. So, though Harry might be the same smart-ass as he is in the books, he's not necessarily going through the exact same stuff, or doing it all exactly the same way. There's other cosmetic differences, but over all, the purpose of the series isn't to serialize the books, but rather to tell stories involving characters from "The Dresden Files" in somewhat different story line.

This being said, the first episode was aired. That's it. Judging an entire series on the series premiere is a bit ridiculous. Here's something else: "Birds of a Feather" wasn't even originally the first episode. "Storm Front" was. They changed it because they thought this would work better, and until we know what direction they are taking it in for sure, I'm not sure it's fair for anyone to judge the whole series. The Sci-Fi channel did it for a reason, and given that they have seen more than we have, and their record for excellent TV, maybe we should just put our faith in them for now, and give them the benefit that they know more than we do about it? There are some gripes, like the deus-ex machina they had, and the fact that Harry...well, he didn't really use a heck of a lot of magic. It did, however, make clear certain things: Harry has trouble with women, gave us a basic character (smartass, but wanting to help those who cannot protect themselves,) and Murphy was shown as the strong cop.

But about that Doom Box thingy; from what I understand from the podcast over on, they had more backstory on it which got cut out... so it's kind of forgivable.

My (slightly-but-not-very-much-so-educated) guess is that they want to establish something before blowing us away with Storm Front, which should be a pretty big episode.

So guys, please don't just ignore this series. Watch it. At least give it a chance till "Storm Front" (the first book in the series and, I think, the sixth episode.) As for the title, Christian Mcgrath's illustrations are simply awesome, and the ones before that were pretty cool too. As it so happens "The Dresden Files" are a nice slice of occult-ish-mystery-noir-ish pie, so you should eat those up as well, the next time you visit your friendly neighborhood bookstore.
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