The kind of movie we don't see every day, but nothing more...
26 January 2007
There's something touching about this movie, probably the message, but the most different thing from all the other is, definitely, the story... The most close that i ever seen was Disney's "Brother Bear", but if you are expecting the same kind or the same quality of movie you're completely wrong...

The art is really good, without the computer work of today's animations, but with a genius work of the paper and pencil, that makes you feel that we still have a traditional industry of animation.

The story is very uncommon, that's a fact, but it sucks, and for some people i guess it probably let them go away and don't want to finish it...

It's not a movie for every one and i suggest a parental guidance, because the story it's not linear and the children can be hurt with some screen-shots...

If you want to see something different, then take the opportunity, it will be a good choice, but if you want to see a amazing movie then go and see "Brother Bear"...
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