Gotta love that title:)
27 January 2007
Too bad the movie really blows.

Dracula (John Carradine) is (for some reason) in the West. At a small town he falls in love with pretty Betty (Melinda Plowman). But her boyfriend is a reformed Billy the Kid (Chuck Courtney) who will fight Dracula to keep her...

Sounds better than it plays. Carradine later said this was the worst film he ever did...and he was in over 300 films! He hams it up as the Count and they shine this stupid red light on his face whenever he's hypnotizing somebody. And get a load of that rubber bat! Carradine was also too old and frail to play Dracula--he was 60 and looks it. Plowman is actually OK as Betty and Courtney tries as Billy...but he's all wrong for the role. For starters he's pretty short, is in just OK condition and has BLOND hair! I think he got the role cause he does know how to ride a horse. Also the script is horrible with just incredibly bad dialogue. There are continuity errors galore; Dracula leaves FOUR holes when he bites people {???}; sunlight doesn't affect him and Carradine doesn't even wear fangs.

In it's defense it was shot in bright color (at least in the print I saw), moves quickly and has one cool effect shoot--when Carradine is carrying Plowman from her bed we see there's no reflection in a mirror--just Plowman seemingly floating in mid air. So this IS bad--real bottom of the barrel stuff--but fun to watch in a silly sort of way. Worth checking out for laughs. I give it a 1.
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