more internecine than you realize
26 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In one of his most eye-opening roles, James Coburn plays a US diplomat in England who gets hired to be one of the president's cabinet members. But several people know too much about his sordid past, so he decides to make sure that they don't reveal anything. So, he devises a plan to have each of them kill each other. But it turns out that they're ahead of him.

"The Internecine Project" has a very '70s look, with the pre-digital secret technology (which, combined with London's dreary nocturnal environs, gives the movie a more mysterious feel). Seeing how this movie came out during the Watergate era, I wonder whether it was playing off of people's growing suspicion of the government. But even if it wasn't, it still comes out really well. It does more to show what a great actor James Coburn was. Lee Grant, Harry Andrews and Ian Hendry also star.
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