Babylon 5: Into the Fire (1997)
Season 4, Episode 6
A surprisingly limp and "talky" conclusion to the Shadow War
24 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, for the past several seasons, the show has built up to this final ultimate showdown between the Vorlons, Shadows and the forces organized by Sheridan. This buildup was wonderful and helped make this a great sci-fi series. The problem here, though, is that although this final showdown IS exciting, it's also pretty talky and preachy--at least to me. Instead of the expected shooting and devastation, when all the species converge in one place in space, Lorien, Sheridan and Delenn work out the problem in a mystical way that left me pretty flat. This isn't to say it's bad, but I just expected more than "Okay, we're sick of you--now go away"! But, oddly, the Shadows and Vorlon listen and go!! I just expected more.
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