Sanford Meisner Master Class
22 January 2007
I just purchased this DVD from and can't say enough great things about it. Sidney Pollock and a group of Sanford's Master Class students assembled over an eight month period to document the work of the great one. This documentary, which is told over eight hours, shares a glimpse of the Great Sanford Meisner doing what he does best; teaching. When the video was made Sanford had already lost his voice and was using a voice box. Luckily, there are subtitles in yellow to help you understand what he's saying. However, to a Meisner student, which I am, this information is priceless. The picture quality is excellent and you get to see a very young, Matt McCoy. If you don't recognize his name, look him up. Anyway, this DVD is worth it's weight in gold. I went through all eight hours over a weekend and it left me wanting more. Unfortunately, this is it but it is truly a great testament to an extraordinary instructor and citizen of truthfulness.
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