Review of Passover

Rome: Passover (2007)
Season 2, Episode 1
Lucius Vorenus Is Back and Is He P**SED!!!
18 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The return of ROME to HBO is almost more of an event for me than the eventual comeback of a certain mob family. It would've been cruel and unusually punishment for the series to simply have been cut down before we could find out about what happened to some of our (MY) favorite characters.

I love the way that "Passover" juxtaposes both the funerals of Gaius Julius Caesar and Niobe. And especially touching is how the strong bond between Vorenus and Pullo is renewed, as Lucius temporarily loses his mind with the suicide of his beloved, if adulterous wife.

A lot of people will read Pullo's reaction to the horrific events as being out of character, but if you recall from last year, Pullo did everything in his power to help keep the truth from Vorenus, including murder most foul. I read his response as being a kind of fatalistic realism: the deed is done, now his greatest concern is seeing to the welfare of his friend. As always, Pullo's still not the sharpest dagger in the sheath, but his friendship and loyalty remain unwavering - his character's most noble and endearing trait, which almost allows you to overlook his more heinous impulses and actions. ALMOST.

As for Vorenus, well, the less I say about what happens between him and the odious Erastes Fulman, the better. Just brace yourself - you'll be shocked, if not surprised.

It will be interesting to see how historical events play out and effect all the main characters still in play here: Mark Antony, as full of himself as ever; doomed Brutus and his equally-fated cohorts; Octavian, (who's shot up like a weed!) who is gradually coming into his own at last, and most especially Servilia and Atia, whose delightfully noxious interactions are some of the miniseries' best and most memorable moments.

Thanks, HBO, for allowing us another chance to watch ROME majestically fall apart. I'm more than ready for the next episode!
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