Too much hype and far too serious
18 January 2007
In juxtaposition to Walter Hill's uneven but very stylish prison movie Undisputed, this shot-in-Bulgaria cheapie doesn't come off well. In addition Isaac Florentine's bland direction, while enlivened as usual with martial arts flourishes, is just not much fun. It's bleak.

I'd been wanting to see this for a couple of years. Anxiously waiting an eternity for release. I was expecting something with the polish of Drive and the impact of a Tony Jaa flick. Something special. But while Scott Adkins pulls off some great moves it's just not enough to make this something special. His one scene in Special Forces, his first collaboration with Florentine, had more impact.

The action is decent and J.J. Perry's choreography is very good. But I actually enjoyed the fights he put together in Road House 2 more. I know that my muted reaction to the film has a lot to do with coming to the film with too much expectation from the hype, but fights excluded it just isn't very appealing.

With notable similarities to Van Damme's In Hell (same prison set, similar themes and scenes)Undisputed 2 doesn't give us enough that's new. U.S. Seals 2 with all its flaws is still head and shoulders above this. A colourful and fun movie. While the leads here are both excellent martial artists with opportunity to showcase their skills it's amazing that this is so weak.

Though still admittedly far better than most other B martial arts flicks I recommend approaching this as you would any other DVD actioner.
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