Captain Kangaroo (1955–1992)
Captain Kangaroo's successful Life's Mission was to make glad the Heart of Childhood!
17 January 2007
Rare in all time is one placed upon this earth who truly makes glad the heart of childhood. The Captain is most assuredly one of these most special people. Captain Kangaroo was a dear friend to me growing up. Captain Kangaroo stayed true to the core convictions of promoting positive self esteem, placing high value on education and stressing humane ideals of caring in childhood. Captain Kangaroo lived his lofty honorable child mental and physical health centered ideals his entire life.

When networks tried to modernize or update (Bastardize) the honorable core values and morals of the original Captain Kangaroo shows he rightly had the gonad's to tell the people he would have nothing to do with the new mess they were creating. Captain Kangaroo was not just some lame dude doing a children's show. Captain Kangaroo really cared about the young people he spoke to. Captain Kangaroo always behaved as if the children watching his shows were placed directly in his care during the time spent together via Television. Captain Kangaroo's ship was both a ship of state advocating on issues affecting young people and a battleship that fought to protect the hearts and minds of young people from the perverse things this society exposes its children to in the name of generating huge profits. Captain Kangaroo dared stand up for the children and in my heart that gives him the heart of a real captain as such he has my undying respect.

Few people with the possible exception of Mr. Fred Rodgers had a honest respect for children that was the equal of that held by Captain Kangaroo. Captain Kangaroo gave all his children a moral anchor that if used properly insured they would grow up to be fine honorable upstanding people. There really are not enough words to define exactly how much I thank Captain Kangaroo for making my heart glad in childhood so I will just say thank you Captain Kangaroo, Mr Moose, Grandfather Clock, Dancing Bear and Mr Green Jeans and others for being part of my life in the 1960's.

Thank you Captain!
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