The Power (1968)
Decent sci-fi on good premise but cops out at end as many do.
14 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a decent science fiction movie based on a solid story idea that stays on target. It is a well executed basic movie without big budget effects. To its credit it does not go off on silly tangents such as overdone love stories (perfunctory graphic sex was still rare in this era), connecting the power to aliens or the supernatural, over the top spectacle when the power is used (like the quickening in Highlander) or any other superfluous nonsense. A good clean science fiction story realized cleanly and effectively. Except ...

Spoiler warning.

My main quibble is that the writers did a Hollywood ending on the original story. The movie is quite faithful to the story until the very end. The power corrupted bad guy (who views ordinary humans as mere animals for him to use as he pleases) has spent the most of the movie trying to smoke out the other person who has the power but does not realize it. (In a scene early in the movie, one of the normal scientists, who fearfully knows that someone with the power is in the group, asks the entire group to attempt telekinesis on a spinner. He is counting on the hubris of the bad guy who will show off and thus help him convince the others that he is not delusional, that the power actually exists. The spinner moves, and vigorously, to the great surprise and alarm of the bad guy. He knows he is not doing it so someone else must have the power and is a thus a threat to him that must be eliminated.)

The bad guy succeeds, by a rather blunt process of elimination as he kills off most of the others, in narrowing the hunt down to our hero. The bad guy tries repeatedly to kill the hero and comes close but he just can't finish him off since he cannot overcome the latent power within. In a final showdown the hero, forced to the brink of oblivion by the bad guy in a battle of power and will, finally realizes that he also has the power. To the chagrin of the bad guy it is a greater gift than his own just as he had feared. The hero is then able to return from the brink and easily stop the bad guy's heart to end the struggle.

Here comes the big cop-out.

Movie Ending: The hero walks off with his girl friend full of good intentions to be sure his power is not used further since power corrupts etc. The world is now safe from the bad guy, all will be well.

Real Ending: The triumphant hero, his power now awakened, his ordinary humanity sheared away in the struggle, looks at the cringing animal by his side (formerly his cherished love interest) and thinks "it is going to be fun to be a god." This uncompromising ending takes the power theme to its inexorable conclusion that it is not a matter of morals or free will, a human being with such power will be corrupted. The power corrupts by its mere presence, it does not ask permission.
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